Movie Retakes
In the cinematic sea of prequels, sequels, reboots, and re-imaginings, the Movie Retakes podcast discusses Hollywood's new takes on our beloved movie classics. Brothers Matt and Chris Sully examine the latest retake franchises, pitch their own original retake visions, and share their love for the movies that made them.
Movie Retakes
R&R May 5th (WGA Strike and AI, Cronenberg, Harry Potter series, Dodgeball 2)
Matt Sully & Chris Sully
Season 4
Episode 3
Time for some R&R (Retakes and Reviews)!
The Sully Brothers square off for another Movie Review Showdown, discuss the significance of Hollywood's WGA strike and the future of AI for arts and entertainment, talk David Cronenberg films, and share retake news on the upcoming Harry Potter series, Dodgeball 2, and more.